“Solution cards” of the Strategic Research published on 14 February 2019

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The annual “Ratkaisuja tieteestä” event organised by the Strategic Research will take place on 14.2.2019. In the event, the projects funded by the Strategic Research Council report their research results to the public and stakeholders. During the day, researchers, public servants, politicians and the public are able to take part in the debates. SWiPE is also present and reports on its findings and discusses the current phenomena of society. The event will be the launching forum for the “solution cards” of the Strategic Research, presenting phenomenally full spectrum of strategic research and also providing research-based perspectives for election discussions. The pack of cards covers four themes: Technology and changes in work, Climate change, natural resources and energy, Participative citizenship, Well-being and basic security.The cards are published online on the 14th of February on the website of Strategic Research (in Finnish).