Highly educated experts utilize digital tools extensively

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A recent study, Asiantuntijatyö alustatalouden aikakaudella (Expert work on the era of the platform economy), conducted by the SWiPE research project, explored how digitalisation of work and growth of platform economy and the challenges and opportunities they bring, are reflected in the work of highly educated Akava members who do expert work. The survey material was … Continued

Recent research on expert work on the era of platform economy: The members of Akava believe the digitalisation has a positive effect on their labour market position

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Recent research shows that higher education professionals are taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation and technological development. Digitalisation and technological development are not believed to reduce the workload of the experts. However, working on platforms and providing their own expertise on platforms remains limited. The development of competence is often done on one’s … Continued

Ideal manager and expertise are built in images and media texts

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My dissertation analyzes constructions of an ideal gendered manager and employee in a mediated cultural setting. Our contemporary culture is mediated in many ways: Media is strongly embedded in our lives and has a possibility to select what issues become visible and how those issues are represented. In that way, media shapes our understandings of … Continued

Freedom and flexibility attract to platform work in spite of uncertainties

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SWiPE researchers Laura Seppänen, Mervi Hasu, Sari Käpykangas and Seppo Poutanen have researched platform work’s mechanisms and effects from a sustainable development’s perspective. Work through digital platforms is constantly growing and offering new opportunities. Service providers and buyers meet flexibly and scalably, creating new economic efficiency. At the same time, the platform work may increase … Continued

Researched information and policy recommendations on the promotion of immigrant entrepreneurship

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Entrepreneurship helps to integrate individuals into society and provides a workplace for entrepreneurs, but also a learning environment for family members and other employees in the company. The entrepreneurship of immigrants has both economic and social value. SWiPE researcher Satu Aaltonen has studied immigrant entrepreneurs and public, private and third-sector organisations offering early-stage services. Her … Continued

SWiPE research strongly presented in the Journal of Professional and Vocational Education

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The latest issue 01/2018 of Journal of Professional and Vocational Education has been published in collaboration with the research projects of Strategic Research Council’s WORK-programme. There are two articles related to SWiPE, one of which deals with company-driven vocational education and the other about a new emerging professionality in the social and health sector that … Continued

Platform economy’s effects on work and education were discussed at SWiPE meeting in Brussels

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The Finnish permanent representation to the European Union provided a forum for SWiPE’s morning coffee event organised for the stakeholders in Brussels. SWiPE researchers Anne Kovalainen, Seppo Poutanen and Kaisa Hytönen presented SWiPE’s current news and recent research findings to members of the European Parliament, their assistants, the experts of EU representation and representatives of … Continued