Aija Leiponen is Associate Professor at the Dyson of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University. Her fields of research include digilatisation, innovation strategies, organisations and technological chanhe. Aija has also worked as a researcher at Berkely in California, as well as at the Imperial College in London and ETLA, where she remains a senior fellow. Aija Leiponen has an international career as an economist and researcher. She specialises in researching technological change in the economy as well as cooperation in innovation activity.
What are your strengths as a SWiPE researcher?
“My strengths as a SWiPE researcher are found at the intersection of organisation and innovation theory when we study the capabilities of companies to take part in the platform economy and to offer new types of work.”
What conversations would you like to see SWiPE raise in society?
“I would like to see SWiPE draw back the curtain on examples of successful digitalisation of work and communicate to economic actors that digitalisation is nevertheless a great opportunity, even if it demands a great deal of development work and courageous innovation.”
Read more about Aija Leiponen, her work and areas of expertise.